Jumping Jenny

Author: Anthony Berkeley

ISBN: 9780745187013
Pages: 190
Description: This is an undeservingly lost masterpiece. Except from the inherent boring nature of the setting (middle-high class party and characters in Britain at the turn of the last century) and one bit too high dose of Britishness, this book is pure genius. The way all the standard logical algorithms of crime fiction are turned on their head in a hilarious mixture of luck, incompetence and over-zealousness is just beautiful. Sheringham character showed me again that the most dangerous people in the world are intelligent people who overestimate themselves and think that they are geniuses; they can make such a mess of simple situations by overthinking stuff (very common in politics unfortunately). If you like deconstructive genre work in general this is a book you shouldn’t miss; there is a very good kick in the end too; if you are into that.
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